Bachelor’s thesis

General information

  • ECTS: 6 ECTS
  • Requirements: The Regulation of Assessment and Qualification of Apprenticeships in the Degrees and Masters of the University of Lleida (approved by the Governing Council of 29 June 2023) provides that students may only register for the TFm when they register all outstanding credits to complete the degree.


Evaluation system

The evaluation will be made by the tutor/a of the TFM and two professors as external evaluators, so the final grade of the student of the TFM subject will be determined by the weighting of the grades of the different members.

  Tutor Evaluation committee Total
Process of elaboration of the Bachelor’s thesis 20% 0% 20%
Bachelor’s thesis final 30% 20% 50%
Presentation and defense Bachelor’s thesis
0% 30% 30%
TOTAL 50% 50% 100%


In this way, the assessment of the tutor/a of the TFM on the total of the student’s grade/a will be 50% (20% based on the work preparation process, 30% based on the final version of the TFM), while the evaluation of the Evaluation Commission on the final grade of the student/a will be 50% (20% based on the final TFM and 30% based on the presentation and oral defense of the TFM). The final grade of the subject is the weighted grade of the grades issued by three teachers involved in the evaluation of the TFM. This will consist of a numerical note between 5 - 10 (with a decimal), corresponding to Approved, Notable, Excelentw or Honor Plate. Depending on the final evaluation of all the TFM of the call, a selection of the three best works of each academic year will be made, which will be evaluated by the TFM Committee to decide the best final master’s work.
